Let’s Talk… Social Justice with Jayne Christian

This week on Let’s Talk…Social Justice we wrap up our series on youth justice by talking to Burramattagal woman, social justice lawyer, anti-racism activist and weaver Jayne Christian.

In this episode, Kevin and Jayne talk about how racism functions within the legal system, and the unique difficulty of challenging racism in professions that define themselves through ideas like justice, fairness, and care. They talk about what it feels like to hold your ground and stay there: to refuse to back down, to refuse to accept less than you’re worth, and to recognise your power, even in those moments when it’s being taken away.

As one of the lawyers who directly challenged institutionalised racism within Legal Aid NSW, Jayne brings her own experiences as a lawyer and social justice activist to bear on the urgent conversations about youth crime in Queensland, and the very real danger of assuming that lawyers and judges are “beyond” racism.