This week on Let’s Talk…Referendum, Karen brings you a selection of excerpts from prominent Aboriginal theorists, activists & community organisers, each reflecting on the possibilities & limitations of the proposed Voice to Parliament, and the upcoming referendum.

You’ll hear an excerpt of Trawlwoolway & Pinterrairer lawyer & activist Michael Mansell speaking to the National Conference of Community Legal Centres earlier this year. You’ll also hear Wiradjuri & Gamilaroi poet, writer, community activist and podcaster Lorna Munro, reflecting on the Voice to Parliament in a conversation with Let’s Talk..Social Justice host Kevin Yow Yeh earlier this year.

Finally, you’ll hear the powerful Darumbal and South Sea Islander researcher, educator and community worker, Dr. Melinda Mann, talking about the limits and constraints of the proposed Voice to Parliament & the decision to go to a national referendum. These excerpts are brought together with Karen’s own reflections on the series so far, and the lessons we’ve learnt from these wide-ranging conversations about the Voice to Parliament & the upcoming referendum.