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Wuchopperen Health Service


Tiga Bayles interviews Dr Mark Wenitong who is the President of Indigenous Doctors' Association, and Medical Director of Wuchopperen Health Service in Cairns. Dr Mark Wenitong os of Kabi Kabi tribal decent and is the Senoir Medical Officer at Wuchopperen Health Service in Cairns NQ. He is a Senior Lecturer at James Cook University, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Molecular Sciences. He is also founding member, and current President, of the Australian Indigenous Doctors Association. His main interests lie with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care, including chronic disease and substance abuse but he has worked for various overseas aid organisations, including PHC in East Timor. He is currently engaged in a research project addressing cigarette smoking in Indigenous Antenates. Dr Mark Wenitong sits on the NHMRC Health Advisory Committee, and the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Service. In this interview he talks about how he became a doctor at such a late age, his role at the Wuchopperen Health Service, the differences between traditional/cultural medicine and western medicine, how to gain a healthier lifestyle and more.
Tiga Bayles also interviews Joe Degreese who is the Cooridinator of Programs at the Wuchopperen Health Service. She talks about programs that involve sexual health, nutrition, womens health, pregnancy and life style health.
Tiga Bayles also interviews Noel Rove who is the Coordinator of the Eye Health Program. He coordinates between the surgeons and optometrists and 13 communities within the area. He talks about his job and what he has to do for people in communities who have a serious problem with eye sight.

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