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LT Black Power – Keeping the Fire Burning with Boe Spearim (part 1)


Tune in for another episode of Let’s Talk – Black Power as Ruby catches up with long-term Triple A & Brisbane Black icon, the one-and-only Boe Spearim. Ruby and Boe reflect on their shared experiences growing up in and around the Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy in Musgrave Park. Boe shares his own entry into Black political life in Brisbane, and how he found his way to the work he does now. Drawing on this year’s NAIDOC theme, Boe takes us back to 2012 and the 40th Anniversary of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Canberra to reflect on some of the incredible political work that has shaped the last decade of Black Justice organising in this city. Ruby and Boe reflect on the formation of the Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy, borne out of the 40th Anniversary of the Tent Embassy and the recognition that communities needed spaces to gather, strategise, and re-group. Boe reflects on his own arrival at the Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy, and the emergence of a range of programs and political projects under the banner of the embassy, including a food program, the Sovereign Grannies campaign, the Brisbane Blacks magazine ( and the Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance (WAR).

Over two huge episodes, we learn more about Boe’s own experiences growing up around the fire in Musgrave Park, and learning from the frontlines of the struggle for justice in this city. He talks us through his journey into community radio, first via Indigi-Briz on 4zzz and eventually right here on Triple A Murri Country and Let’s Talk. So consider this your reminder to keep the fire burning this NAIDOC, and to remember the incredible political history of this city.