Tune in this week for the final instalment of our series recorded on Country with Raymond Walker, aka Bing Nunka. Over the past couple of weeks, Elizabeth has been sharing her conversations with Bing Nunka around their own family’s experiences rebuilding and revitalising culture, law and language. This week, we turn to Raymond’s work within and around youth justice, rehabilitation and diversionary programs. He reflects on the lessons he’s learned working with young people, particularly young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, who have been over-criminalised, surveilled and harassed by the police. He talks about the power of culture and connection in helping to support young people who are struggling, and the role that culture can play in building stronger and safer communities for everyone.
Another rich and beautiful conversation between Elizabeth and her skin father, Bing Nunka, recorded live on Quandamooka country with the sounds of the island carrying through the airwaves.