Tiga Bayles interviews Alistair Ferguson who is the Chair of the Burke Aboriginal Community Working Party. They talk about Burke and the traditional owners of that area, 2CUZFM, Burke Aboriginal Community Working Party, housing, Burke Shire Council, COAG, New South Wales Aboriginal Justice Plan, Juvenile Justice Corrective Services, training courses in the community, engaging with the communities and more.
Tiga Bayles then interviews Chris Graham who is the editor of the National Indigenous Times. They talk about the alleged assault by Queensland Police on Indigenous activist Bob Weatherall and his daughter, Lex Wooten, who is on trial for inciting a riot on Palm Island after the death in custody of Mulrunji Doomadgee, Senior Sergeant Chris Hurley, Deaths in Custody, United Nations Declaration on Indigenous People, Indigenous education, Moree, poverty and unemployment and lack of government services where Aboriginal people live.
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