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Increased suicide numbers unacceptable


The highest rate of suicide in ten years is a cause of great concern according to SANE Australia CEO, Jack Heath.

“The increase in suicides in 2014 is simply unacceptable. 2864 deaths by suicide is 2864 too many,” Mr Heath said in a statement released this week.

“We need to redouble our efforts to prevent suicide at a national, state and local level.

“We need to work closely with people who have attempted suicide to better understand what we can do to assist people in their hour of greatest need.

“We also must reduce the stigma associated with suicide and mental illness so that people are encouraged to seek help early on.

“As a country, we’ve been able to drastically cut the number of deaths from heart disease, aids, cancer and motor vehicle accidents. We can, and must, do the same with suicide.

“We need to set a specific goal for reducing suicide.

“SANE Australia supports the National Suicide Prevention Coalition’s call for a 50% reduction in suicide over a ten-year period.

“Recent reforms announced by the government to tackle suicide at a local level are very welcome as is the commitment to deliver major programs at a national level.

“We now need to put in place a specific goal that we can all rally around.

“SANE Australia is committed to playing its part,” Mr Heath concluded.

For crisis or suicide prevention support please call Lifeline 13 11 14