Youth Justice with Maggie Munn, National Director of Change the Record

This week on Let’s Talk – Social Justice, Kevin catches up with the National Director of the Change the Record coalition, Maggie Munn, for a super special DOUBLE episode digging into youth justice in Queensland.

Maggie is a Gunggari person from south-west Queensland and a tireless campaigner for the rights of First Nations children in the criminal legal system. They are committed to ending the incarceration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people by any means necessary. 

In a wide-ranging conversation, Kevin and Maggie catch up on recent amendments to youth “justice” in Queensland. They talk through a bit of a recent history of youth justice amendments, and particularly the recent decision by the state Labor government to override the Queensland Human Rights Act for the second time this year, in order to pass legislation enabling kids as young as 10 to be locked in adult watchhouses indefinitely.

You can support the work that Maggie and others are doing to raise the age of criminal responsibility & get kids out of watchhouses here: Get Kids Out Of Watch Houses ( You can also follow and support the work that Sisters Inside are doing to end youth detention in Queensland by getting involved in their End Toxic Prisons campaign: End Toxic Prisons – Sisters Inside Inc