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LT – Black Knowing with Hayley McQuire


Get your pens at the ready: we’re going to school!

In this episode of Let’s Talk – Black Knowing, Chelsea & David catch up with Darumbal & South Sea Islander woman and CEO of the National Indigenous Youth Education Coalition, Hayley McQuire. In a rich and rapid-fire conversation, Chelsea, David and Hayley reflect on the ways that education systems on this continent continue to fail, exclude, and police Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and their families. They talk through some of the work that the National Indigenous Youth Education Coalition works to build new approaches to education on this continent: approaches that are grounded in the unceded sovereignty of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, and which honour the power and resistance of families and communities. Hayley reflects on the underlying commitment of NIYEC as a collective that is centered around community and relationality, and which works directly with young people to rethink education systems to better reflect the reality of the present moment. And Chelsea and Hayley share their own experiences of navigating education systems as Aboriginal women, and the fight to ensure that their children receive an education that reflects their lived experiences, insights and needs as Aboriginal people.

All in all, another huge episode of Let’s Talk – Black Knowing!