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LT – Black Power with Kevin Yow Yeh & Jayne Christian (part 1)


Tune in for another special episode of Let’s Talk Black Power with our guest host, Kevin Yow Yeh. Kevin catches up with his dear friend and long-time collaborator Jayne Christian to learn about her exhibition, Djiriyay & Revolution, currently showing at Blacktown Arts on Dharug country.

Jayne is a Baramadagal woman of the Dharug-speaking peoples (now known as the Sydney Basin Area, Australia) through the Reid/Goldspink bloodline, with kinship connections to Wiradjuri Country. We heard from Jayne on Let’s Talk last year, when she shared some of her experiences fighting racial discrimination cases within the legal system. Today, we learn about another expression of Jayne’s power as a sovereign Black woman, as she talks us through her practice of weaving and bush-dying, and the way that these creative tools help facilitate critical conversations about decolonisation, struggle, and sovereignty.

This is the first of two episodes with Jayne, bringing together some special field recordings from the launch event from her exhibition in May 2024. You’ll hear from some special collaborators and friends, sharing their reflections and insights into Jayne’s work and the importance of this exhibition, as well as Jayne’s reflections on what she’s learnt through the process of undertaking a creative residence and creating this body of work.

Another week, another magnificent expression of Black power, in all its many forms.