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LT – Black Power with Kevin Yow Yeh & Uncle Robert Cole


Tune in for a very special episode of Let’s Talk – Black Power with guest host Kevin Yow Yeh and community Elder and leader, Uncle Robert Cole. Some listeners might have seen Uncle Robert in the media earlier this year, as he participated in this year’s Mardi Gras parade in honour of the life and legacy of his twin brother Malcolm. Their story was shared on a very special episode of the 7.30 Report, which saw iconic images released of Malcolm at Mardi Gras in the 1980s, dressed up as a very sparkly Captain Cook. In this beautiful and important yarn, Kevin learns about the Cole family’s early years in north Queensland, all the way through to Robert and Malcolm’s decision to take their band on the road to Sydney, to make their name as musicians and dancers. We learn about the fear and pain that the family experienced when Malcolm tested positive for HIV and moved back to Townsville, as well as their harrowing experience trying to ensure that Malcolm received adequate health care after his diagnosis. Drawing on his personal experiences, Uncle Robert reflects on the violence of racism, homophobia, stigma and discrimination, and the way that it shaped Malcolm’s experiences towards the end of his life. And yet he also reflects on the joy of remembering Malcolm’s life and legacy – his vibrant energy, his thirst for life, and the power with which he walked through a world that tried to deny his experiences at every turn.

As always, another powerful and urgent reminder that Black Power is found and expressed in many different ways: sometimes, in a sparkly Captain Cook costume, dancing on top of a moving float at Mardi Graz. So grab yourself a cuppa (and possibly a tissue or two) and tune in for this powerful story of Black love, care, joy, and power.