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LT – Black Power with Pekeri Ruska


This week on Let’s Talk Black Power, Ruby catches up with activist, community organiser and academic researcher Pekeri Ruska, to learn about the ongoing and long-standing struggle for justice and self-determination on North Stradbroke Island. Ruby & Pekeri reflect on the long fight against colonial occupation, extraction and erasure on North Stradbroke Island, and the continuing work of the Quandamooka Truth Embassy in asserting Blak power & presence on the island. Pekeri talks through some of her own PhD research, looking at assertions of Quandamooka sovereignty, presence and power over the centuries since first invasion, and reflects on the lessons that this long history of struggle offers to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in the present.

You can get involved and support the ongoing struggle of the Quandamooka Truth Embassy by heading to their website: Save the headland | Quandamooka Truth Embassy | Queensland. There are templates to write to Federal Environment Minister, Tanya Plibersek: Email the Federal Minister for Environment and Water, Tanya Plibersek | Protect Point Lookout Headland ( as well as contacting your local state MP to ask them to support Quandamooka Elders in protecting the headland. And if you still have some questions about how best to support, check out Pekeri & others in her community explaining the ongoing campaign here: Time is running out: Protect the Point Lookout Headland (

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