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Let’s Talk

WEEKDAYS 9 – 10am

National Indigenous talk show focusing on current affairs and issues of importance to Indigenous people. This program is Murri Country’s flagship program and is listened to by a large Indigenous audience in Brisbane and around the country via the National Indigenous Radio Service.

Program sponsor: The Community Broadcasting Foundation

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25 August 2011

Rex Bellotti Senior and Shilo Harrison

Karen Dorante spoke with the father of Rex Bellotti Junior, who as run down by a police car in 2009, Rex Bellotti Senior and the Coordinator of the Bellotti Support Group, Shilo Harrison. File Download (48:22 min / 27.7 MB) 29065310 audio/mpeg a:1:{s:8:”duration”;s:7:”0:48:22″;}

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24 August 2011

Emma Davidson

Karen Dorante spoke with Project Coordinator for the Canberra-based Equity Rights Alliance, Emma Davidson. File Download (36:43 min / 21.1 MB) 22076510 audio/mpeg a:1:{s:8:”duration”;s:7:”0:36:43″;}

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23 August 2011

Outside My Window- Woorabinda

Beautiful music from Woorabinda.

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23 August 2011

Wadja Wadja Boys- Woorabinda

The Wadja Wadja Boys come to make noise. Music Woorabinda.

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22 August 2011

Professor Don Fuller

Karen Dorante spoke with Professor Don Fuller Head, School of Law and Business and Professor of Governance at Charles Darwin University. File Download (26:30 min / 15.2 MB) 15947969 audio/mpeg a:1:{s:8:”duration”;s:7:”0:26:30″;}

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Program Guide