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Let’s Talk

WEEKDAYS 9 – 10am

National Indigenous talk show focusing on current affairs and issues of importance to Indigenous people. This program is Murri Country’s flagship program and is listened to by a large Indigenous audience in Brisbane and around the country via the National Indigenous Radio Service.

Program sponsor: The Community Broadcasting Foundation

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9 July 2010

Jodie Currie, Kaylah Tyson and Rhianna Patrick

Tiga Bayles spoke with Jodie Currie, Deputy Director of the Institute for Urban Indigenous Health. Kaylah Tyson, Aboriginal Centre for the Performing Arts student. Rhianna Patrick, ABC announcer and host of Speaking Out. File Download (39:23 min / 27.1 MB) 28402270 audio/mpeg a:1:{s:8:”duration”;s:7:”0:39:23″;}

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8 July 2010

Deniece Geia

Karen Dorante spoke with Deniece Geia from the Red Cross on Palm Island. They spoke about the NAIDOC Celebrations happening on Palm Island. File Download (38:01 min / 26.1 MB) 27413901 audio/mpeg a:1:{s:8:”duration”;s:7:”0:38:01″;}

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7 July 2010

Ned David and Toshie Kris

Karen Dorante spoke with Torres Strait Traditional Owner, Ned David and Torres Strait Regional Authority Chair, Toshie Kris. They spoke about the success of the Torres Strait regional sea claim. File Download (37:26 min / 25.7 MB) 26995106 audio/mpeg a:1:{s:8:”duration”;s:7:”0:37:26″;}

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5 July 2010

Boomshakalaka- The Bama

Hopevale Hiphop Produced by Brisbane Indigenous Media Association for the ‘Young Strong and Proud Project’.

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5 July 2010

Where the Rainforest Meets The Sea

Wujal- Wujal Hiphop Produced by Brisbane Indigenous Media Association for the ‘Young Strong and Proud Project’.

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Program Guide