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Let’s Talk

WEEKDAYS 9 – 10am

National Indigenous talk show focusing on current affairs and issues of importance to Indigenous people. This program is Murri Country’s flagship program and is listened to by a large Indigenous audience in Brisbane and around the country via the National Indigenous Radio Service.

Program sponsor: The Community Broadcasting Foundation

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26 March 2010

Teresa Hutchins and Sheree Anderson

Karen Dorante spoke with Teresa Hutchins, Program Manager of World Vision's Early Childhood (ECCD) Program in Warlpiri and Warlpiri woman, Sheree Anderson. They spoke about the Aboriginal women's initiative on health backed by World Vision Twenty-three Indigenous women from remote communities in Northern Territory headed to Perth in February to train to become carers and […]

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24 March 2010

Trevor Savage and Amy McQuire

Tiga Bayles spoke with Trevor Savage a Kinesiologist at the Kinesiology Center at Cashmere. They spoke about the dangers of fluoride. Tiga also spoke with the editor of the National Indigenous Times, Amy McQuire. They spoke about the low infant mortality rate connected to culture & land, Indigenous housing issues, deaths in custody, jobs being […]

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22 March 2010

Professor Steve Larkin

Tiga Bayles spoke with Professor Steve Larkin, Pro Vice-Chancellor Indigenous Leadership at Charles Darwin University. They spoke about the reform of education across the country and the impact on Aboriginal people and how it's shaping up. File Download (41:52 min / 38.4 MB) 40233545 audio/mpeg a:1:{s:8:”duration”;s:7:”0:41:52″;}

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19 March 2010

Toby Finlayson, Kiefer Walsh and Matt Priestley

Karen Dorante spoke with Toby Finlayson Director of Desert Pea Media, Kiefer Walsh Member of PI Boyz and Matt Priestley Director of Desert Pea Media. File Download (37:12 min / 34.1 MB) 35755530 audio/mpeg a:1:{s:8:”duration”;s:7:”0:37:12″;}

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18 March 2010

Professor Roger Thomas

Tiga Bayles spoke with Roger Thomas who is a professor at the University of Adelaide where he directs Wilto Yerlo, the Centre for Australian Indigenous Research and Studies. Wilto Yerlo is recognized as a center of excellence for Australian Indigenous research and education through partnerships with indigenous people that honors the principle of self determination […]

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