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Let’s Talk

WEEKDAYS 9 – 10am

National Indigenous talk show focusing on current affairs and issues of importance to Indigenous people. This program is Murri Country’s flagship program and is listened to by a large Indigenous audience in Brisbane and around the country via the National Indigenous Radio Service.

Program sponsor: The Community Broadcasting Foundation

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15 May 2009

Yasmine Musharbash

Karen Dorante spoke with author of 'Yuendumu Everyday', Yasmine Musharbash. File Download (40:19 min / 27.7 MB) 29066825 audio/mpeg a:1:{s:8:”duration”;s:7:”0:40:19″;}

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13 May 2009

Paul Briggs

Tiga Bayles spoke with Shepparton-based, Yorta Yorta man, Paul Briggs. File Download (41:41 min / 57.3 MB) 60055468 audio/mpeg a:1:{s:8:”duration”;s:7:”0:41:41″;}

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12 May 2009

Ted Wilkes

Tiga Bayles spoke with Associate Professor Ted Wilkes. File Download (40:06 min / 36.8 MB) 38546244 audio/mpeg a:1:{s:8:”duration”;s:7:”0:40:06″;}

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11 May 2009

Lydia Mille

Tiga Bayles spoke with Executive Director of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts Division for the Australia Council for the Arts, Lydia Mille. File Download (41:03 min / 28.2 MB) audio/mpeg a:2:{s:8:”duration”;s:8:”00:41:03″;s:8:”explicit”;s:1:”0″;}

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8 May 2009

Suzie Haslehurst and Lorraine McGee-Sippel

Tiga Bayles speaks with Magabala Books General Manager, Suzie Haslehurst, about the history and idea behind Magabala Books. Tiga also speaks with author of Magabala's latest, 'Hey Mum, What's a Half Caste', Lorraine McGee-Sippel. File Download (45:13 min / 41.4 MB) 43458936 audio/mpeg a:1:{s:8:”duration”;s:7:”0:45:13″;}

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