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Let’s Talk

WEEKDAYS 9 – 10am

National Indigenous talk show focusing on current affairs and issues of importance to Indigenous people. This program is Murri Country’s flagship program and is listened to by a large Indigenous audience in Brisbane and around the country via the National Indigenous Radio Service.

Program sponsor: The Community Broadcasting Foundation

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12 December 2008

Annette Ohlsen

Tiga Bayles spoke with the CEO of the Murrin Bridge Local Aboriginal Land Council in Lake Cargelligo, New South Wales, Annette Ohlsen. File Download (37:51 min / 26 MB) 27293215 audio/mpeg a:1:{s:8:”duration”;s:7:”0:37:51″;}

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11 December 2008

Louise De Busch, Conrad Yeatman, Charmaine Yeatman & Aunty Betty McGrady

Tiga Bayles spoke with Kullun Youth Services Executive Manager, Louise De Busch, Campfire Project board member, and one of the directors of Kullun Youth Services, Conrad Yeatman, Managing Director of One Time, Charmaine Yeatman & Logan elder Aunty Betty McGrady. File Download (42:49 min / 29.4 MB) 30875230 audio/mpeg a:1:{s:8:”duration”;s:7:”0:42:49″;}

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8 December 2008

Trevor Buzzacott

Karen Dorante spoke with Trevor Buzzacott, Trevor is one of five authors of a book called 'Beyond Sandy Blight: Five Aboriginal Experiences as Staff on the National Trachoma and Eye Health Program'. His co-authors were Jilpia Nappaljari Jones, Gordon Briscoe, Reg Murray and Rose Murray. This is the first time Aboriginal members of the original […]

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5 December 2008

Ivan Copley

Karen Dorante spoke with South Australia's Indigenous Engagement Manager for the Australian Bureau of Statistics State Statistics Coordination Unit, Ivan Copley. Ivan is a recent TAFE graduate and South Australian of the Year, Ivan was nominated as Australian of the Year for his devotion to reconciliation and helping Indigenous people, he has also been short-listed […]

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4 December 2008

Jenny Macklin and Michael Anderson

Karen Dorante spoke with Federal Indigenous Affairs Minister, Jenny Macklin and Tent Embassy founder, Michael Anderson. File Download (43:23 min / 29.8 MB) 31274904 audio/mpeg a:1:{s:8:”duration”;s:7:”0:43:23″;}

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