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Let’s Talk

WEEKDAYS 9 – 10am

National Indigenous talk show focusing on current affairs and issues of importance to Indigenous people. This program is Murri Country’s flagship program and is listened to by a large Indigenous audience in Brisbane and around the country via the National Indigenous Radio Service.

Program sponsor: The Community Broadcasting Foundation

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12 June 2008

John Wenitong, Yohan, Simon Cotton and a student from Djarragun College

Tiga Bayles interviews John Wenitong National Indigenous Education Development Officer and Preben Mindamarra Higher Expectations Program (Secondary) Manage. They talk about the Higher Expectations Program what it is about, aspects of the program, Indigenous education, leadership, identity for Indigenous youth, recruitment and support. Tiga also interviews Yohan, the Manager for the Research and Development of […]

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11 June 2008

Dr Ashley Irish and Dr Alan Cass

Tiga Bayles interviews Dr Ashley Irish and Dr Alan Cass. They talk about Renal health, dialysis, Indigenous health, Reasons for the high rates of kidney disease among Indigenous Australians in Indigenous communities, the health rates in communities for Indigenous people, lack of services, lack of resources, prevention, procedure of dialysis, types of dialysis, function of […]

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10 June 2008

Bev Manton, Jeff Scott and Patricia Laurie

Tiga Bayles interviews Bev Manton Chairperson of the New South Whales Land Council. They talk about the 25th Anniversary of the New South Whales Land Rights Legislation, challenges over the past 25 years, business opportunities in communities, housing, education and economical development. Tiga Bayles also interviews Jeff Scott CEO of the New South Whales Land […]

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6 June 2008

Allinta Rose

Karen Dorante interviews Managing Director of 'Deadly Life', Allinta Rose. They talk about her business Deadly Life, Allinta's background and Achievements. File Download (38:36 min / 13.3 MB) 13936327 audio/mpeg a:1:{s:8:”duration”;s:7:”0:38:36″;}

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5 June 2008

Tim Costello

Tiga Bayles interviews World Vision CEO Tim Costello. They talk about Stolen Wages, what World Vision does & World Vision's over seas projects, Treaty Closing the Gap and leadership. File Download (28:32 min / 9.8 MB) 10312145 audio/mpeg a:1:{s:8:”duration”;s:7:”0:28:32″;}

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