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Let’s Talk

WEEKDAYS 9 – 10am

National Indigenous talk show focusing on current affairs and issues of importance to Indigenous people. This program is Murri Country’s flagship program and is listened to by a large Indigenous audience in Brisbane and around the country via the National Indigenous Radio Service.

Program sponsor: The Community Broadcasting Foundation

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19 September 2007

Dennis Eggington and Colleen Haywood

Guest interviewer Dennis Eggington who is CEO of the Aboriginal Legal Service in Western Australia interviews Colleen Haywood who is the Associate professor and manager of Kulunga Research Network – Telethon Institute for Child Health Research. They talk about the Kulunga Research Network organisation, stolen wages, Colleens thoughts on the Northern Territory intervention, medical research, […]

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18 September 2007

Jacqui Katona and Chris Christophersen

Jacqui Katona as Guest Programmer interviews Chris Christophersen. In this interview they talk about their time in prison, how they were influenced by art, working with Indigenous organisations and art, land, law, the United Nations Declaration, youth, theatre and much more. File Download (54:44 min / 50.2 MB) 52587583 audio/mpeg a:1:{s:8:”duration”;s:7:”0:54:44″;}

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15 September 2007

Larissa Behrendt interviews Jilpia Jones

Larissa Behrendt Guest Programmer on Let’s Talk interviews Jilpia Jones. This interview is about Jilpia’s life. She talks of when she was taken away from her mother at the age of four, The Stolen Generation, her nursing career, other Indigenous elders who were in the Stolen Generation, compensation of the Stolen Generation, Tricoma Program, racism, […]

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13 September 2007

Larissa Behrendt interviews Nicole Watson

Professor Larissa Behrendt as Guest Programmer interviews Nicole Watson who is a lawyer. They talk about Nicole’s father Sam Watson and the influence he had on her, her role models, Indigenous activists, her career in law, Aboriginal law graduates, the Brisbane Aboriginal Legal Service, quarantine of welfare payments, National Native Title Tribunal, stolen land, mining, […]

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12 September 2007

Chris Graham and Andrew Bartlett

Chris Graham as Guest Programmer interviews Queensland Senator Andrew Bartlett. In this interview Andrew Bartlett talks of how he became involved in politics, health checks in the Northern Territory, the importance of the democrats, democrats on the senate, Liberal and Labor, Northern Territory Intervention, Pauline Hanson, the retirement of Premier Peter Beatie, the legislation laws, […]

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