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Let’s Talk

WEEKDAYS 9 – 10am

National Indigenous talk show focusing on current affairs and issues of importance to Indigenous people. This program is Murri Country’s flagship program and is listened to by a large Indigenous audience in Brisbane and around the country via the National Indigenous Radio Service.

Program sponsor: The Community Broadcasting Foundation

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27 June 2007

Grace Smallwood and Gary Highland

Tiga Bayles interviews Grace Smallwood who is an Indigenous rights activist and Gary Highland who is the National Director of ANTAR. Grace Smallwood and Gary Highland express their feelings about Indigenous child sexual abuse by some Indigenous and Non-Indigenous people in some of the Northern Territory Communities, John Howard sending in the army to the […]

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26 June 2007

Mudgin-Gal Aboriginal Women's Centre

Tiga Bayles interviews Dixie Link-Gordon who is the Manager of the Mudgin-Gal Aboriginal Women's Centre and Shane Phillips who works for Tribal Warrior Association and both are local Koori residents of Redfern, Sydney. In this interview they talk about the Mudgin-Gal Aboriginal Women's Centre. The Mudgin-Gal Aboriginal Women's Centre offers Indigenous women information on how […]

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25 June 2007

Andrew Bartlett and Public Awareness Australia

Tiga Bayles interviews the Queensland Senator Andrew Bartlett. They discuss Stolen Wages, Great Barrier Reef, home ownership, nuclear power and uranium in Indigenous communities, the Removal of an Indigenous Representative and more. Tiga Bayles also interviews Flo Watson and Ms Rosemary Paterson who are from the Public Awareness Australian Electoral Commission and the AEC. They […]

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20 June 2007

Graham Neate and Kevin Smith

Tiga Bayles interviews National Native Title Tribunal Federal President Graham Neate, along with Kevin Smith who is the Queensland State Manager, National Native Title Tribunal. Mr Neate and Mr Smith discuss some of the developments in native title, the Native Title Tribunal Conference in Cairns, the Native Title Act, the Federal Court, Indigenous communities and […]

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19 June 2007

Professor Judy Atkinson

Tiga Bayles interviews Indigenous activist and academic, and head of Southern Cross University's Gnibi College of Indigenous Australian Peoples, Professor Judy Atkinson. In this interview they talk about reports on Indigenous issues including Indigenous health, violence, abuse, education, children and much more. File Download (38:22 min / 13.2 MB) 13854469 audio/mpeg a:1:{s:8:”duration”;s:7:”0:38:22″;}

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