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Let’s Talk

WEEKDAYS 9 – 10am

National Indigenous talk show focusing on current affairs and issues of importance to Indigenous people. This program is Murri Country’s flagship program and is listened to by a large Indigenous audience in Brisbane and around the country via the National Indigenous Radio Service.

Program sponsor: The Community Broadcasting Foundation

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25 May 2007

Frances Peter-Little

Tiga Bayles interviews Frances Peter-Little who is the Research Fellow and Deputy Director Australian Centre for Indigenous History. This interview is about Radio Redfern, Indigenous history, education, culture, a documentary directed by Frances called Vote Yes for Aboriginals, The 40th Anniversary of the Referendum and much more. File Download (36:19 min / 12.5 MB) […]

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24 May 2007

Stephen Hagan

Tiga Bayles interviews Stephen Hagan who is an Academic University of Southern Queensland (USQ) Academic, Author, Publisher and Indigenous Activist. In this interview they cover a number of topics including the Nigger Brown Stand, a documentary his wife directed called Nigger Lovers, The State of Origin, Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act, Chock Mundine, Mal Brough's 60 […]

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23 May 2007


Tiga Bayles interviews Damien Brown who is the Commonwealth Senior Assistant Ombudsmen and Geoff Airo-Farulla who is the Director of the Ombudsmen Office in Brisbane. They talk about the their roles, the Ombudsmen Office and how they can help with Indigenous people, communities, employment, CDEP, complaints and more. File Download (34:53 min / 32 MB) […]

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11 May 2007

Cody Napp

Tiga Bayles interviews Dr Charlie Crompton a Nephrologist at PMH and Nanette Napp who is the mother of 11 year old Cody Napp who is waiting for a kidney donation. File Download (31:38 min / 10.9 MB) 11428686 audio/mpeg a:1:{s:8:”duration”;s:7:”0:31:38″;}

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10 May 2007

Kirstie Parker and Jacqui Katona

Tiga Bayles interviews Kirstie Parker who is the Editor of the Koori Mail. They talk about the Koori Mails' 4ooth Edition, The Native Title Act, ATSIC, Deaths in Custody, Stolen Generations, how we pay tributes to our Indigenous Sports players, Aboriginal Communities, Government funding and plenty more. Tiga Bayles also interviews Jacqui Katona who is […]

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