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25 July 2018

Decolonise Your Diet - Episode 5

Episode 5 Amazing Results Using Bushfoods” – We catch up with aunty Thelma ‘Bubsy’ Lander, who says trading a diet of western junk food and alcohol for the traditional Aboriginal cuisine of kangaroo tail and emu meat has helped her to lose 48 kilograms. 18228520 audio/mpeg a:1:{s:8:”duration”;s:8:”00:18:59″;}

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18 July 2018

Decolonise Your Diet - Episode 4

DYD Episode 4 “A National Snapshot of the health and wellbeing of First Nation People” Deadly yarn with the deadly Gregory Phillips on Decolonise Your Diet. 38574355 audio/mpeg a:1:{s:8:”duration”;s:7:”0:40:11″;}

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11 July 2018

Decolonise Your Diet - Episode 3

Did you know that Aboriginal people were the first people in the world to make bread, 15,000 years in advance of the Egyptians? or that we have the manufacture in the world? These are important facts- we should all share our pride that this country was a leader in human development. join us for out […]

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4 July 2018

Decolonise Your Diet – Episode 2

Decolonise your diet, a show that will make you change the way you think about hunting, gathering, and bush tucker in general, with hosts Dilany and Kaiyu Bayles. 23556664 audio/mpeg a:1:{s:8:”duration”;s:8:”00:24:32″;}

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27 June 2018

Decolonise Your Diet - Episode 1

Decolonise your diet, a show that will make you change the way you think about hunting, gathering, and bush tucker in general, with hosts Dilany and Kaiyu Bayles. 24723544 audio/mpeg a:1:{s:8:”duration”;s:8:”00:25:45″;}

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