Tune in each Tuesday for Let’s Talk – Black Power with your host, Ruby Wharton. Each week, Ruby will be bringing the frontlines to the airwaves, sharing and amplifying the work of activists, organisers, artists and academics from all around the country, and honouring the legacy of independent Black media in the struggle for justice, land and liberation. From struggles for land rights and self-determination to the ongoing fight against prisons and policing, tune in for your weekly reminder of the strength, power, and joy of Blackfullas on this continent, and the ongoing work of dismantling the colony, piece by piece.

LT_BlackPower with OpenDoors
Today on Let’s Talk – Black Power Ruby brings us a special guest named Neeko from “Open Doors” a Youth Service (ODYS) was created by community for community 25 years ago and remains Queensland’s only dedicated LGBTIQ+ Sistergirl & Brotherboy (SB) youth service. ODYS supports LGBTIQ+ SB young people aged 12 to 24 offering a […]
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LT_Black Power - Invasion Day Speech by Dale Ruska
Ruby and Nadine continue to decipher the impacts of invasion and colonization. We also hear a rally speech by Dale Ruska in Queens Park, Magandjin
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LT_Black Power - Nadine 'Dancing Water' Currie
Ruby Wharton introduces co-host Nadine Currie aka ‘Dancing Water’. Together they unpack and discuss Invasion Day.
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LT_Black Power - Triple A CEO Bob Smith and 'Let's Talk' Producer Tabatha Saunders
Bob and Tabatha discuss the exciting year ahead for Triple A
Listen >>LT_ Black Power - Darren Ricks
On this episode of ‘Let’s Talk’ we discuss the new book release by Gunditjmara – Gunai- Kurnai Man Darren Ricks author of ‘Warra Warra Wai’ with Co-Author Craig McCormick. “Warra Warra Wai!” (meaning ‘Go Away!‘) was the expression called out by the local Indigenous people of Botany Bay on sighting the first landing of Captain James […]
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