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18 January 2024

Michael Anderson

Tiga Bayles interviews Indigenous advocate Michael Anderson. In this interview they talk about Cultural Heritage, Indigenous history, Land Rights, The passion of being Indigenous and what it means, Indigenous elders who pass on stories of their lifetime and how Indigenous people were treated back in their days, they also talk of the 1967 Referendum, Reconciliation, […]

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18 January 2024

Brian Butler

Tiga Bayles interviews Brian Butler who is an Indigenous Elder from South Australia and the Northern Territory. In this interview they talk about the Stolen Generations, the Northern Territory Intervention, Reconciliation, 1967 Referendum, the upcoming elections, youth, culture, education, some of the main Indigenous issues in South Australia and much more. File Download (38:49 min […]

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18 January 2024

Rachel Siewert

Tiga Bayles interviews Western Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert. In this interview they talk about the Northern Territory Intervention, Reconciliation, issues in Pilbara and the Kimberley, housing, the lack of rehabilitation services, the lack of medical centres, environmental issues, Stolen Wages, the upcoming elections, child abuse in W.A, alcohol, getting kids back to school and […]

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18 January 2024

Les Malezer

Tiga Bayles interviews the Tiga Bayles interviews Les Malezer who is the chairman of FAIRA. In this interview they talk about the Indigenous pre-election forums, International Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous peoples, the Northern Territory Intervention, Indigenous Rights, Reconciliation, the up-coming elections, the 1967 Referendum, constitutional changes, Liberal and Labor and much more. File […]

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18 January 2024

Gary Highland

Tiga Bayles interviews the National Director of ANTAR Gary Highland. They talk about policies and structures of the senate, the upcoming elections, how you cast your vote, the Northern Territory Intervention, CDEP, womens refuges, Child Protect ion Services, welfare, the Australian Electoral Commission, the differences between the major parties, Close the Gap, The changes to […]

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