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18 January 2024

Andrew Bartlett

Tiga Bayles interviews Queensland Senator Andrew Bartlett. They talk about the senate, Indigenous issues, human rights, immigration, Pauline Hanson, Stolen Wages, Stolen Generation, mainstream media, voting, reconciliation, Native Title, climate changes, education, health, work place regulations, business, Northern Territory Intervention, CDEP, Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People, how to vote, democrats and other party's […]

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18 January 2024

Les Malezer

Tiga Bayles interviews Les Malezer who is the chairman of FAIRA. In this interview they talk about the Northern Territory Intervention, social justice package and the United Nations Declaration, media reporting to incite racism especially the Australian News Paper which misused information to drive agenda and create public confusion by picking out individuals who support […]

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18 January 2024

Sam Jeffries

Tiga Bayles interviews Sam Jeffries who is the CEO of Murdi Parki Regional Assembly. In this interview they talk about CDEP, Child Sexual Abuse, education, employment, Northern Territory Intervention, banning of pornography in Indigenous communities, COAG, Murdi Parki, ATSIC, he tells his feelings about the outcome of the elections, invasion of countries, colonisation, the improvements […]

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18 January 2024

Steve Hagan

Tiga Bayles interviews Steve Hagan who is a lecture at the University of Southern Queensland. They talk about the Federal elections, the coverage of the federal elections on television, saying sorry to the Indigenous people of Australia, ATSIC, economic development, young people graduating in Emergency Services, Indigenous professions, democrats, Elected Representative Bodies, Commonwealth electoral role, […]

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18 January 2024

Larissa Behrendt

Tiga Bayles interviews Larissa Behrendt who is a Professor of Law and Director of Research at the Jumbunna Indigenous House of learning at the University of Technology in Sydney. They talk about the Australian Government wanting to say "sorry" to Indigenous people, The Stolen Generation, The Bringing Them Home Report, land rights, deaths in custody, […]

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