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18 January 2024

Pat Warria-Reed

Karen Dorante talks to Pat Warria-Reed from APOSS – Aboriginal Prisoners and Offenders Support Service – in South Australia about her work in the prison reform area. She has returned from a study tour of prisons in Canada and would like the state adopt some of the programs aimed at First Nations people. File Download […]

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20 September 2021

Episode 7

This week, Kelly Kemp and Lizzie Orley get their bake on. 32661905 audio/mpeg a:2:{s:8:”duration”;s:8:”00:34:01″;s:8:”explicit”;s:1:”0″;}

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6 September 2021

Episode 6

This week, Aunty Kay, Kelly Kemp and Lizzie Orley get their bake on. 16737185 audio/mpeg a:2:{s:8:”duration”;s:8:”00:17:26″;s:8:”explicit”;s:1:”0″;}

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23 May 2019

Three Chords and the Truth – Cross Referencing 2

On this episode of Three Chords & The Truth Paddy and guest co-host Carter Smith revisit the theme of cross referencing and play a selection of Alt Country and Americana songs where artists sing about other artists. 53591169 audio/mpeg a:1:{s:8:”duration”;s:8:”00:55:49″;}

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25 March 2019

Blues with a Feeling - Jimmie Vaughan

Jimmie Vaughan Birthday Special – Join Shaun as he celebrates the birthday of the great Jimmie Vaughan with carefully selected tracks from the past two decades of his career. 68608443 audio/mpeg a:1:{s:8:”duration”;s:8:”01:11:28″;}

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