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19 January 2024

Maurie Ryan

Karen Dorante spoke with First Nations Political Party Founder, Maurie Ryan. They spoke about Aboriginal People in Political Parties, Indigenous Rep Body and on Indigenous Affairs Issues. File Download (33:52 min / 31.1 MB)

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19 January 2024

Trevor Savage and Amy McQuire

Tiga Bayles spoke with Trevor Savage a Kinesiologist at the Kinesiology Center at Cashmere. They spoke about the dangers of fluoride. Tiga also spoke with the editor of the National Indigenous Times, Amy McQuire. They spoke about the low infant mortality rate connected to culture & land, Indigenous housing issues, deaths in custody, jobs being […]

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19 January 2024

Ron Monaghan

Tiga Bayles spoke with Queensland Council of Unions General Secretary, Ron Monaghan. They spoke about Ron's involvement with Unions and the current status of the Stolen Wages Campaign. File Download (42:24 min / 38.9 MB)

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19 January 2024

Teresa Hutchins and Sheree Anderson

Karen Dorante spoke with Teresa Hutchins, Program Manager of World Vision's Early Childhood (ECCD) Program in Warlpiri and Warlpiri woman, Sheree Anderson. They spoke about the Aboriginal women's initiative on health backed by World Vision Twenty-three Indigenous women from remote communities in Northern Territory headed to Perth in February to train to become carers and […]

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19 January 2024

Rob Lachowicz

Tiga Bayles spoke with the Acting Director and Education Coordinator of the Refugee and Immigration Legal Service (RAILS), Rob Lachowicz. They spoke about citizenship, reconciliation and about the legal rights education work Rob has done at Sunnybank and Milpera schools with migrant students, through hip hop education. File Download (43:34 min / 39.9 MB)

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