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19 January 2024

Jill Gallagher

Karen Dorante talks to Jill Gallagher, chief executive officer of VACCHO – Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health organisation – about the implications of the Victorian government's decision to drop “Acknowledgement to Country” practice at official engagements. File Download (35:42 min / 24.6 MB)

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19 January 2024

Chris Graham

Tiga Bayles caught up with Chris Graham, Editor of of the freshly released new Tracker Magazine. They spoke about the Bringing The Home report, the alarming rate of our First Nations people in the National prison system and the breach of international law when it comes to the Intervention and asylum seekers in Australia. File […]

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19 January 2024

Dorothy Fox

Karen Dorante spoke with Dorothy Fox, Chairperson of the North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency (NAAJA) in The Northern Territory. NAAJA provides legal services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in a vast swathe of the Northern Territory: from its Head office in Darwin to the Tiwi Islands in the Arafura sea to the […]

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19 January 2024

Al Smith

Tiga Bayles spoke with Al Smith an Artist for twenty years. Al plays several musical instruments and has recorded cd's that received acclaim at the Queensland Recording Association Awards. They spoke about Al's early life growing up and his book The Koala and Bunny which took him 16 Years to write. File Download (38:47 min […]

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19 January 2024

Danny Lester

Tiga Bayles spoke with Danny Lester CEO of the Aboriginal Employment Strategy based in New South Whales. Aboriginal Employment Strategy's (AES) mission is to train First Nations people for work and to help them to find jobs. Danny talks about the training programs which AES provides. File Download (39:25 min / 22.6 MB)

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