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Winita Davis, Kim Jarone and Peter Sole


Tiga Bayles interviews Winita Davis who s employment as a Police Liasion Officer and is based at the Cape york PCYC as a Commutiy Support Cooridinator for the PCYA Centres. In this interview they talk about her role at the PCYC, trainees that attend the PCYC centre, who PCYC are funded by, the youth that attend the PCYC and some of the activities they are involved in, culture, child safety and more. Tiga then interviews Kim Jarone who is the Coordinator of Regional Organisations and Coordinator of the coucils of Cape York. They talk about the Aboriginal local government associaion, Councils, Aboriginal Councils, funding for Cape York COucils, education and training not only for youth but also mature age groups, support for councillors, Weejum Feral Forum, roads wilflife and more. Tiga Bayles then interviews CEO for the Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council Peter Sole. They talk about the upcoming elections, his Certificate 4 in Local Government Administration, the difference between shire councils and community councils, the corporate and operational plans for Napranum, employment, CDEP, Community Enterprise Australia and much more.

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