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Let’s Talk

WEEKDAYS 9 – 10am

National Indigenous talk show focusing on current affairs and issues of importance to Indigenous people. This program is Murri Country’s flagship program and is listened to by a large Indigenous audience in Brisbane and around the country via the National Indigenous Radio Service.

Program sponsor: The Community Broadcasting Foundation

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9 July 2007

Andrew Bartlett and Sam Jeffries

Tiga Bayles interviews Queensland Senator Andrew Bartlett and Tiga Bayles interviews Sam Jeffries who is the Coordinator of the Murdi Paaki and Chair of the Regional Assembly. In this interview they discuss the Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly, Indigenous communities, COAG, Social Justice, Native Title Act and more. File Download (41:49 min / 14.4 MB) […]

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6 July 2007

Balunu Foundation

Tiga Bayles interviews David Cole who is the founder and director of the Balunu Foundation in the Northern Territory. David Cole is joined by one of his uncles, Bobby Cole, who has been in the Indigenous Leadership Program. The name Balunu comes from the Luritja language of central Australia . The word Balunu means creation […]

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5 July 2007

Dr Chris Sarra

Tiga Bayles interviews Dr Chris Sarra who is the Director of the Indigenous Education Leadership Institute and former Principal of Cherbourg School. Chris Sarra talks about Indigenous leadership, Cherbourg School, teachers, education, cultural differences, Indigenous children who are treated differently to a mainstream school, children's voices not being heard, identity in schools, his feelings on […]

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2 July 2007

Warren Snowden

Tiga Bayles interviews Warren Snowden who is the Northern Territory's Federal Member for Lingiari. They talk about child sexual abuse in the Northern Territory, Native Land Title, John Howard and other Indigenous Issues. File Download (36:29 min / 12.6 MB) 13174084 audio/mpeg a:1:{s:8:”duration”;s:7:”0:36:29″;}

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28 June 2007

Jennifer Martiniello and Terry O'Shane

Tiga Bayles interviews Jennifer Martiniello who is a writer and academic of Arrernte, Chinese and Anglo descent, a former Deputy Chair of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander Arts Board of the Australia Council for the Arts, and a current member of the Advisory Board of the Australian Centre for Indigenous History at the ANU. […]

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