Let’s Talk
WEEKDAYS 9 – 10am
National Indigenous talk show focusing on current affairs and issues of importance to Indigenous people. This program is Murri Country’s flagship program and is listened to by a large Indigenous audience in Brisbane and around the country via the National Indigenous Radio Service.
Program sponsor: The Community Broadcasting Foundation
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LT -There should be young people in parliament - 12.10.2006
File Download (35:09 min / 12.1 MB) Bill is on record as the youngest person elected on the Senate, Tiga is here to ask all the cutting edge questions about his position in Government. We are in for a great listen to a powerful conversation on a young fellah making records in Politics.
Listen >>LT - Bush Tucker Yarns - 11.10.2006
File Download (35:38 min / 12.3 MB) Stanley joins Tiga Byles to talk about all things “Bush Tucker” how it was and is still gathered these days, different areas contain various trees and plants that provide us fruit and vegetables (With the right knowledge our people survived off food our land provides us) Berries, Yams, […]
Listen >>LT - Bush Tucker 10-10-2006
File Download (35:38 min / 12.3 MB) https://triplea-oldsite.o.thrivex.io/wp-content/uploads/98fm-podcast-2006-10-10-91001.mp3 12873937 audio/mpeg a:1:{s:8:”duration”;s:7:”0:35:38″;}
Listen >>LT - Ellouise Kabell 05-10-2006
File Download (37:26 min / 12.9 MB) https://triplea-oldsite.o.thrivex.io/wp-content/uploads/98fm-podcast-2006-10-05-90385.mp3 13519057 audio/mpeg a:1:{s:8:”duration”;s:7:”0:37:26″;}
Listen >>LT - Glen Aller 04-10-2006
Tiga Bayles interviews Glen Aller and Andrew Penfold who is the Chair of St Josephs College Indigenous College who was also a former student of St Josephs. In this interview they talk about the education, Indigenous Education Program and much more. File Download (37:26 min / 12.9 MB) https://triplea-oldsite.o.thrivex.io/wp-content/uploads/98fm-podcast-2006-10-04-90758.mp3 13519684 audio/mpeg a:1:{s:8:”duration”;s:7:”0:37:26″;}
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