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26 February 2013

Clancestry Weekend Opening Friday 1st March

Clancestry is a celebration of country. This means many things. “Country” acknowledges the Traditional Owners of this land. As a metaphor it connects us to our homeland and regions with a special character. From a performing arts perspective it is both an art form and a popular performance genre. Clancestry is a festival celebrating the […]

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15 February 2013

Live Broadcast 5th Anniversary of the Apology Link-Up Event

The Let’s Talk program this morning was broadcast live from Link-Up’s event for the 5th Anniversary of the Apology. Tiga spoke with CEO Sheryl Sandy, Chair Sam Watson, Dr Norman Sheehan, Stolen Generations member Jack Munro and Yuggera Traditional Owner Uncle Des Sandy. See More 65625823 audio/mpeg a:1:{s:8:”duration”;s:7:”0:54:41″;}

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14 February 2013

World Condom Day

Today is Condom Day. Listen to 98.9fm for messages from Condoman and Lubelicious on the importance of wearing condoms. Condoman and Lubelicious are superheroes with a mission to promote sexual health messages to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Queensland. They have found their voice in a collaboration between 2 Spirits, the Institute for Urban Indigenous […]

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7 February 2013

"Clancestry" showcasing the diversity of the world's First Nations peoples

Presented for the first time, Clancestry shares the stories of the oldest living cultures on earth from the banks of the Brisbane River. Clancestry showcases the diversity of the world’s First Nations peoples in the spirit of celebration. It connects kin and clan, the contemporary and the traditional, people and community. Supporting Clancestry is the ideal that art connects people, […]

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5 February 2013

Live Broadcast of the All Stars game

Tune into 98.9FM on Saturday 9th Feb starting 7pm to hear the live broadcast of the All Stars v Indigenous All Stars game. Ryan James, First Nations player (Titans) Paul Gallen (Sharks) and Mahalia Murphy, First nations player, visited the station today to speak to Dan and some of our students.

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